
Posted on December 6th, 2013 in movie story by admin

我这喂奶只有一个月的好日子啊. 第一个月是涨奶, 第二个月堵奶, 第三个月最好, 刚过三个月他又长牙了, 从此开始咬我. 我不知道我能坚持到什么时候啊.

The Descendants, a movie

Posted on September 1st, 2012 in movie story, star story by admin


George Clooney的表演还是那样,很好,但是又不足够好,总是能看到很深的表演痕迹.每次看他演的片子我都想:表演也是要天赋和灵性的呀.他好像就一直缺少那么一点点灵性的东西,也许只是这一点,就让人老感觉到一点点不自然,不能够不漏痕迹而引起人的共鸣,至少我的共鸣.不过已经赢了一座奥斯卡小金人了,虽然是作为配角,主角也提名很多次了,也许不远的将来就有了.即使没有也够了,口碑很好,票房很好,本人又帅,关键还有才,编剧导演也都样样行.不知道他是不是提名类型最多的一个,最佳改编编剧(best writing, adapted screenplay),最佳原创编剧(best writing, original screenplay),最佳导演,最佳男主,最佳难配,如果都拿了那得多牛叉才行啊.



He’s just not that into you, a movie

Posted on September 1st, 2012 in movie story, star story by admin


Sex and the City的编剧写的,主要还是讲男女感情,关系及婚姻.编剧或作家真是要有极敏锐的观察力,极敏感的心思以及非常敏捷而开阔的思路.真是很佩服这两位作者,在这个主题下写了那么多东西,竟然还一直有新的思绪,然后通过极简洁直接的方式非常清楚的表达出自己所看所思所想.

印象深刻的一是Ben Affleck 和Jennifer Aniston 扮演的一对恋人,在一起七年而一直没有结婚,原因是男生不相信婚姻,认为只要感情在,完全没有必要以一纸证书去证明和约束什么,因为如果感情不再,这张证书也变得毫无约束和意义可言.分看是因为女生认为如果相爱就会想要结婚,直到有一天发现结了婚的男人也不一定更有责任或更加可以信赖,而曾经的男友对她的帮助和爱胜过很多身为丈夫的人所能给与的,于是跟男生复合.电影的结局男生还是求婚了,因为想要所爱的人感到幸福.可是我倒是希望他们能保持这样相爱的关系而不结婚,这样不是更能证明前面所表明的一切吗.如果最终还是结婚了,那又怎么说明相爱不一定要结婚呢?

二是Jennifer Connelly 和Bradley Cooper 扮演的一对夫妻.男人遇到了一个hot girl,于是春心不断荡漾,最终说服自己的理性和道义,发生婚外情.很多挣扎是因为还有感情,责任,道德,责任等,可是最终出轨也给自己找到了足够的借口:当自己还没准备好的时候被逼结婚,可是当你在这样心不甘情不愿的婚姻里面发生婚外情还要被骂混蛋,自己也很冤枉啊!

Scarlet Johnson 在这里面确实很hot啊,以前一直不理解她为什么被认为大美女什么的,当然现在也没觉得她就真的漂亮,但是站在西方人的角度看,可以理解他们所说的.大胸脯,大屁股,就是他们所谓的性感,而Scarlet在这里确实展露无疑.不过Bradley确实很hot.

I love you Philip Morris, a movie

Posted on July 27th, 2012 in movie story, star story by admin

Have you seen Catch Me If You Can, the movie costarred by Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks? Well, I would like to name I Love You Philip Morris as Catch Me As You Can (Oh, By the Way, I’m Gay). 

Both are movies about capers. Leonardo plays a teenage who sees that his father go bankruptcy and his mother run with another man. He starts to learn to live on his own and soon finds himself a genius to make money by faking payroll checks and identities. He becomes rich but feels lonely. Tom is the guy woking at CIA or FBI who tracks Leo desperately and frustratedly for years without catching him. And imagine what happens at last. You won’t believe it.

Jim Carrey plays a man who has a car accident which encourage him to end his marriage with his wife and come out of the closet as a gay. And he  finds himself also a genius as a fraud. It seems he could do everything he wants to and make tons of money. But unfortunately he gets caught every time. Well, don’t worry about it, cause he’ll find a way to get out of the prison, anyway.  A very funny movie. Performances are fantastic.

And believe it or not, both movies are based on true stories!

How Do You Know, a movie

Posted on July 3rd, 2012 in movie story by admin

How do you know you are in love with someone? Or if you may excuse me, what is love?

Is love just some kind of sexual attraction? You see someone, you find someone attractive, you hormon starts to react, you get excited, your heart beats faster, you blush, you get nervous, then you tell yourself you have a crush on someone. You work your way out, make someone love you back, then announce that you are a happy couple bathing in the river of love. So I would say love is or at least comes from sexual attraction.  If not, why they often say that love is irrational, unmeasurable? Why they’d say that you can’t analyze love like you are solving a math problem?

Do we really love anyone more than ourselves? I doubt it. If we do, then why would we often try so hard to change someone in the way we like it rather than they like it?  If they like jeans and t-shirts better than suits, why would we want them wear suits sometimes? If they are more comfortable not to talk much, why would we want them to be more talkative, more sociable? If they have the only hobby of playing video games, why would we hate it if we really love them? We couldn’t even let the kids be themselves. We are happy only when they match our expectations. Everything we meet with in our marriage may be the first time, but we all grew up from a little kid. We ourselves should know what the kid’s life or thoughts would be like. But why would we get so disappointed or angry if the kid does something wrong or fails one crap exam? Something happens and the kid is gonna get through it. why could we just provide some productive advice and help and comfort, why do we have to yell at them? Why would you want the kid to do something or be someone you wanted to do or be but never got the chance to do or be? Do you ever ask them if they’d like to?

Love should let your loved ones be comfortable with who they are, what they do. Love should make them feel confident to be themselves. You shouldn’t change someone in the name of love into another person you like but they don’t.

Love brings out the best in someone. Love does not create another best person that wasn’t there.

the Conviction, a movie

Posted on July 3rd, 2012 in movie story, star story by admin

This movie is based on a true story, which is hard to believe. It’s something you would think that it’s only gonna happen in a movie or a drama TV series or a novel or every kind of that literature creation but a real life. Give up almost everything, husband, marriage, kids, study in a college at a quite old age trying to get a degree in order to apply a law school,  then study harder at law school and get to be a lawyer, all the efforts of 18 years are made to try to free a brother who was imprisoned to life because of murder.

Perhaps you’d say that many people could do that to their family, to their beloved ones; you might say, yes, there are misery, struggle, sadness, heartbreaking moments, but people get through these things, it’s no big deal, this is life. But I wonder if we all have the strong faith in our beloved ones. Have you once doubted that your spouse didn’t love you as much as before even they said they did? Have you suspected your kids were lying even they swore what others told you about them were not true? Have you once wonder that your parents loved your siblings more than loved you? If you have, then how could you keep the faith in your heart that your brother is innocent when every evidence and proof indicated that he murdered someone? Could you still believe his innocence when he was sentenced guilty of murder? How could you know he is not lying to you? When you were ruining your life for him, would you ever ask yourself if it’s worth it? What if he did it? Besides, what if you become a lawyer but still can’t find a way to help him? What if you can’t help to free him in your whole life? Then what’s the meaning of these sacrifices? Would you regret?

The woman is very tough. Who ever could suffer but manage to beat it is tough. Not only tough, but determined, faithful, courageous. Most important of all, they have the ability of love.

By the way, Hilary Swank may be not the most beautiful woman in the world, but she is absolutely one of the best actress. She shines in this movie. She portraits this very woman, who gives whatever it takes to love and help her brother.

And I wanna say that no wonder Hilary has won the Academy Award, twice.

Some day, he is gonna win an Oscar

Posted on June 30th, 2012 in movie story, funny story by admin

I just saw two movies of his. He played two different guys with a tad of resemblance.

In Cyrus, he is a weird, 22 years old, raised by and now is living with his single mom, Molly. He is not happy with the fact that Molly is seeing some guy, especially when he realizes something serious is happening between Molly and this guy. His performance is hilarious, although he is quite serious. No fake laughing, no yelling, no screaming, no stupid act which all often happen in a comedy. Natural and reasonable.

In Moneyball, he is a fresh Harvard graduate with a economics degree. As you can see, he is kind of shy. He seems to be nervous when he talks to his boss. He doesn’t know what to say to fire a player and how to say it. He feels very relived when he tells a player he was transfered to anther team and the player takes it calmly. Again, no exaggerating in his performance, but there is a quiet power. It’s like the sea. It looks peaceful but there are waves coming continuously.

Yes, he is Jonah Hill.

As an actor, the best chance for him should be the Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Just after I wrote down these words, I googled him. It seemed he was already nominated for this prize by the performance in Moneyball. Well, no surprise for me.

Lucky enough, he could win an Oscar in a leading role. That means, first of all, he needs a role that fits him well; second of all, a good screenplay and a good director; most importantly, there must be a producer who trusts him to let him play the leading role. Easier to say.

Wish him good luck.

the Time Traveler’s Wife, a movie

Posted on June 26th, 2012 in movie story, reading story by admin

It’s not easy to put the original story in a two hour movie without confusing the audience. But they made it. The whole crew and cast were fantastic. They did a phenomenal job together. They accomplished the impossible.

First, the script is great. They kept the spirit of the story but they also adapted some parts. Like the scene when Henry tells Gomez he is actually a time traveler. In the book, Henry breaks into the store, picks some clothes and then he and Gomez head to a bar(or restaurant, I don’t remember). When he feels like dizzy and traveling again, he asks Gomez to go to the restroom with him. And then he disappears right in front of Gomez. But in the movie, he disappears once he gets dressed in the store. There is nothing right or wrong. It’s just different media. In a movie with a limit time, you just need to get straight to the point.

There are also many other scenes that are different from the book. And many details were cut as always. Like about Clare’s mother’s mental problem, and Mark’s girlfriend.

Second, the directing is great. I have seen another movie played by Rachel Adams(The Vow). I could tell that the story is good. It’s the same star. But the movie lacks of a bit of something which could make it a classic. I can’t tell exactly what it is. But I know I wasn’t as moved as I should be or I’d expected to be. They could put it better.  Same thing doesn’t happen in this movie. The story is well and clearly told, which is not easy because of the time travel thing, by the way. I think the director should be given the credit. It’s the director who put the story together, who decided where the story would go, from the very beginning.

Third, the stars are awesome. Rachel is so good. The first scene in the movie is the one when Clare and Henry meet each other for the first time in the real life. Clare knows Henry, but he doesn’t know her at all. She sees him and recognizes him. She is so happy that she couldn’t help it to murmur his name. She smiles toward him. She couldn’t move her eyes from him. Love is in her smile, in her eyes, on her face. You have to believe that she is deeply obsessed with him even if you’ve never read the book. There is no other explanation from her performance but she is in love with him, very much. Eric is very cool. His smile is charming. His experience as a time traveler in the movie is cool and fun(unless the ending). Their connection in the movie looks natural. The emotions, the reactions, the laughing and crying, all seem very natural. No overacting. No underacting. I think that’s what you call a good performance. Apparently, they both have the natural talent.

Other stars are great too. The little girl who plays young Clare is brilliant.

All together, they make it a five star movie. It’s the type of movie I like. It’s romantic. It’s warm. It’s fun. It’s a classic.

P.S. I used to think that an adapted movie could never be as good as the original book, because many details in the book hence the beauty of literature would be cut or deleted. But after I saw this movie and the interview with the screenplay writer and director, I started to accept their concept about book and movie. They are totally different media. They have very different language to tell a story. Nothing right or wrong. Nothing better or worse. They both exist with their own unique, peculiar beauty.